Case Study Location:
- Massapequa,
- New York
- Case Study Topic: Helical Piles for New Construction
Project Specs:
- Location: Massapequa, NY
- Certified Installer: FSR
- Engineer of Record (EOR): Irwin Kusnitz, P.E.
- Perimeter Helical Pile Specifications:
– 30 MacLean Power Systems (MPS) Helical Piles
– D7 (1.5” Round Corner Square) Lead w/ 10”, 12”, 14” Dia. Helices on a 7’ shaft & P28 (2.875” x 0.203” Pipe Shaft) Extensions
– Average Depth of Helical Piles: 28’
– Minimum Req’d Installation Torque of Helical Piles: 6,000 ft-lbs - Ultimate Load(s):
– 60 kips (Compression)
Back in 2017, this on-the-water residence had unfortunately burned down. A portion of the existing foundation was salvageable, however, the new owner wanted to expand on what was existing. The EOR specified MPS helical piles to support the new sections of this home’s foundation. FSR was contracted to install a total of 30 MPS helical piles across the job site. As one of the helical piles was being installed, an existing timber pile was encountered that was not shown on the as-built drawings. After consulting with the EOR, FSR was able to remove and relocate this helical pile, accenting helical piles’ versatility. FSR successfully installed the 30 MPS helical piles in only one working day.