Case Study Location:
- Massapequa,
- New York
- Case Study Topic: Foundation Repair/Retrofit
Project Specs:
- Location: Massapequa, NY
- Certified Installer: FSR
- Engineer of Record (EOR): Engineered Building Inspections, P.C.
- Helical Pile Specifications:
– 57 MacLean Power Systems (MPS) Helical piles
– D7 (1.5″ Round Corner Square) Lead w/ 10″, 12″, 14″ Dia. Helices on a 7′ Shaft & P28 (2.875″ x 0.203″ Pipe Shaft) Extensions
– Average Depth of Helical Piles: 34′
– Minimum Req’d Installation Torque of Helical Piles: 5,000 ft-lbs - Ultimate Load(s):
– 50 kips (Compression)
The employees at this Burlington location noticed the concrete floor in their back-room storage area was beginning to sag. After this was discovered, the slab was removed and helical piles were specified by the engineer of record (EOR) to prevent the new concrete slab from settling. FSR, a veteran MacLean Power Systems (MPS) certified helical pile installer, was contracted to install 57 helical piles in this storage area. Since this retail store was open to the public from 8am to 11pm, the helical pile installation needed to be done in overnight shifts. In addition, getting the installation equipment through the front entrance was not possible, so FSR needed to carefully guide their skid steer through a tight 8’ x 8’ rear entry to access the project site. Due to their low headroom capabilities and vibration-free installation process, helical piles were ideal for this project. FSR was able to successfully install all 57 MPS helical piles in less than 3 working days.